The winter mini-mester begins on Monday, December 1st and is a hallmark of the Thames Academy program. We understand that math is a challenge for many students with learning disabilities. We have found great success in our innovative winter programming. Students are enrolled in a 3 credit math course during our 6 week minimester and are in class every day, Mon-Fri.. Although is may sound rigorous, students respond exceptionally well to the math course and daily schedule and come to expect math homework every night. The predictable math schedule with other daily academic workshops and social activities fills their day, while allowing time for homework in the evening.
Thames Academy offers math tutoring in our building utilizing professional tutors and students who need additional support may use the Mitchell College tutoring center free of charge.
Math homework will be assigned either in a textbook or by utilizing online practice problems and tutorials (via a website designed by our math instructor).
We look forward to the beginning of our winter mini-mester on December 1st!!