Thames faculty, Jennifer Sullivan, listening to a round table discussion on Digital Sociology: Future of the Discipline |
Thames Academy Faculty, Jennifer Sullivan, presented at the Eastern Sociological Society annual conference in New York City last weekend, February 28 - March 1. The topics she presented on were:
The Photoshop Controversy: Examining Authenticity in Advertising and the Effect of Social Media on Young Women's Body Image
Scholarly Publishing versus Social Media: Examining the Ways Women Communicate and the Implications for Closing the Gender Gap
Jennifer Sullivan is a member of the American Sociological Association (ASA) and also the Eastern Sociological Society (ESS). On March 19th, Jennifer and the Mitchell College Speakers Bureau Committee will be hosting guest speaker, Dr. Rose Brewer, for a presentation to the campus community. Jennifer received the Sorokin Lecture Grant from the ASA in August 2014 to host Dr. Brewer's visit.
In May 2015, Jennifer will also be presenting at the "Bridging Gaps: Higher Education, Media and Society" conference in Toronto, Canada.