Monday, March 28, 2016

Parent Twitter Hashtag and Trying Twitter

Inspired by the discussion about technology and the college experience (March 26th Parent Workshop), we have added a new feature to the parent blog - a Live Twitter Feed!! You will see the Twitter feed has been added in the sidebar of the blog (right side) and is for anyone to use.  

The hashtag is #taparents2016 

If you would like to add a tweet to our Twitter feed, please use the hashtag #taparents2016 so we can see your posts. If you are not familiar with microblogging (Twitter) … it is merely 140 characters and supports links, pictures, videos and more. When you write a post, you will see how many characters you have left (out of the 140 allowed).

If you are unfamiliar with Twitter and want to explore, take a special event on television and follow it on Twitter. You will learn so much, so quickl! If you are watching the finale episode of The Walking Dead or Downton Abby, go on Twitter and find the hashtag or aggregator tag that people are using. When the commercials are on during the episode, start scrolling through the twitter feed and see what is being discussed. 

If you are looking for a topic, you would look for the hashtag. They look like this. 

#DowntonAbbey (TV Show) #TheWalkingDead (TV show) #Brussels (News Topic)

And there are crazy topics and hashtags too. #FailedCandyFlavors 
Sometimes, people play games with these hastags to find out who can come up with the best (or funniest) response to a hastag! 

If you want to tag someone and speak to them more directly, you would also use @ronsamul - which is my twitter handle. This would mean that the person you tag will see this message in their own feed. This is a typical Tweet. 

@ronsamul check out what they are saying about walking dead, it's getting crazy #thewalkingdead 

There is no special order for where the hastags and tags are in the tweet. And you are limited to just 140 characters so it has to be short. 

This is a sample of a tweet. (Click to enlarge) Notice once the tweet is out there, you can reply to a tweet, you can retweet which adds it to your feed so your connections can see it. You favorite the tweet - and then options. If you like what this particular person says, you can click on their name and follow them to see what else they have to say. 

Check out how I've linked this article to the Twitter Feed on the side column. It is easy to share and connect using Tweets. Like anything, the more you use it and make it part of your technology realm, the easier it will come to you. 

For more tutorials and connections to Twitter, check out some of these links. 

