We are looking forward to welcoming the newest Thames Academy students at
Thames Accepted Student Day on Saturday, April 30th!!
If your son/daughter is an accepted Thames student for Fall 2016, please go online to register for Saturday, April 30th!
How to register:
1 - Go to www.thamesacademy.org
2 - Click on "Admissions"
3 - Click on "Accepted Students"
4 - Click the green button to register
If you are not able to attend April's Accepted Student Day, don't worry. We have a second Orientation event planned for August 15th (move-in day). However, we encourage all students to attend April's Accepted Student Day so they can meet each other, lessen anxiety, and possibly find someone they would like to be their roommate.
If you are unable to attend Accepted Students Day, please CLICK HERE to email Jennifer Sullivan, Director of New Student Experience and Parent Programs.
Jennifer is happy to answer any questions also - there is no question too small!
We can't wait to meet you!