Monday, June 20, 2016

Article: I'm Taking a Summer Break From Learning and Attention Issues

If you are the parent of an LD son/daughter, you can probably relate to the opening lines of this article.......
"School is finally out, and my kids are looking forward to their well-deserved summer vacation. But guess who’s even happier? Yup, you got it—me.
Let’s be honest, parenting kids with learning and attention issues during the school year is stressful. In some ways, I think it’s almost like being an emergency “first responder.”
Parents relaxing outdoors at a beach house laughing and checking their phones
"Taking a Summer break From Learning and Attention Issues" is a recent blog post on the website. Understood is "a safe place for parents and experts to connect...around learning and attention issues." The website has a wealth of information and many blog posts like this one which are written from a parent's perspective.

I  particularly like the article's suggestions for how to really enjoy the summer with your son/daughter:
  • Avoid scheduling early morning activities.
  • Allow my kids to get a little bored.
  • Have a few lazy days when the family doesn’t have anything planned.
  • Set aside time for myself so I can recharge.
  • Indulge my kids’ passions and hobbies, no matter how quirky.
  • Have a glass of wine (or two!) with dinner.