Saturday, July 30, 2016

Thames Laundry Machines - Card Only, No Quarters

There seems to be a misprint on the Thames Academy website telling families to bring quarters (presumably for the laundry machines).

Thames Academy laundry machines DO NOT USE QUARTERS. Students will be given a LAUNDRY CARD at move-in with about $5.00 pre-loaded on the card. Students will need to refill their laundry card after move-in. This can be done on move-in day with parents or can be done over the weekend or following week. 

The laundry card refill machine is located in the Yarnall Center (athletic building on uppercampus). The machine is in the lobby. You may use cash or a credit card to refill your laundry card. The only ATM on campus is also located in this lobby.

QUICK TIP: Do not put too much money on your students' laundry card. These cards are sometimes lost and it would be a shame to lose a card with $50 loaded on it. 
We suggest adding $20-$30 on the laundry card.

Please remember to bring laundry detergent and dryer sheets with you on move-in day too!