Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Money Matters - Presentation at Thames


A representative from Chelsea Groton Bank presented a "Money Matters" workshop today at Thames Academy. The educational presentation focused on money management in college and helping students to assess their overall fiscal management. The students were asked to score themselves in many areas including:

         Do you have a savings account?
         Do you use online banking?
         Do you keep important documents filed/stored together?
         Do you have a spending plan or budget?

The money management workshop is part of the holistic development model that Thames Academy believes is so important for student success. Our goal is to help your son/daughter live independently in college and learn how to successfully manage all areas of their life. Making good financial choices is often a new responsibility for Thames Academy students. We seek to help them make good choices through modeling, hands on learning and educational workshops.

How "Financially Fit" is your son or daughter?