Saturday, May 21, 2016

Summer Skill Series: Skill #2

As part of our popular blog segment this summer called "Summer Skill Series!"we will be identifying the Top 10 College Readiness Skills to practice with your son/daughter over the summer.Again, don't worry if your son/daughter hasn't mastered these skills before move-in day...the idea is to become familiar with college expectations and begin practicing these skills at home. Thames Academy will reinforce these skills throughout the year both inside and outside of the classroom.

Using a Combination Lock

At Thames Academy your son/daughter will have 2 mailboxes: One mailbox inside the front door of our building for inter-building mail (returned homework assignments, flyers, etc.). The second mailbox will be located in the mailroom on the Mitchell College campus (the mailroom is a small white building across from the Duques Center and the Dining Hall). This mailbox will hold traditional USPS mail, magazines, cards from home, etc. If your son/daughter receives a large package, a slip of paper will be placed in this mailbox notifying them to go to the mailroom window to pick up their package. This second mailbox will also have a COMBINATION LOCK.
During the first week of fall semester, Thames Academy advisors bring small student groups to the Mitchell College mailroom to practice opening their mailbox. However, it is VERY HELPFUL if families practice this skill over the summer!

If your son/daughter has a diagnosed motor difficulty then you should submit appropriate documentation to the Disability Student Service Office at Mitchell College. The mailroom does have a limited number of mailboxes with lock/key for students who require this accommodation.

The mailroom staff are VERY KIND and will help your son/daughter practice their mailbox combination during slow times of the day.

So....our recommendation is to buy a cheap ($5.00) combination lock this summer and practice every day with your son/daughter!