Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Summer Skills: All Top 10 College Readiness Skills

As part of our Thames Academy Parent Blog segment this summer called "Summer Skill Series!"we will be identifying the Top 10 College Readiness Skills to practice with your son/daughter over the summer. Again, don't worry if your son/daughter hasn't mastered these skills before move-in day...the idea is to become familiar with college expectations and begin practicing these skills at home. Thames Academy will reinforce these skills throughout the year both inside and outside of the classroom.

A new blog post about each skill will be posted weekly but here is a complete list (and sneak preview) of the Top 10 College Readiness Skills:
Skill #1: Making Your Bed

Skill #2: Using a Combination Lock

Skill #3: Knowing Your Social Security Number

Skill #4: Setting Alarms & Using Them

Skill #5: Knowing My Personal Care Products

Skill #6: Doing Laundry

Skill #7: Medication Management

Skill #8: Storing Usernames and Passwords

Skill #9: Money Management

Skill #10: Keeping Important Papers in Sight