Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Summer Skill #5: Know Your Personal Care Products

As part of our Thames Academy Parent Blog segment this summer called "Summer Skill Series!"we will be identifying the Top 10 College Readiness Skills to practice with your son/daughter over the summer. Again, don't worry if your son/daughter hasn't mastered these skills before move-in day...the idea is to become familiar with college expectations and begin practicing these skills at home. Thames Academy will reinforce these skills throughout the year both inside and outside of the classroom.
Knowing My Personal Care Products

If your son/daughter walked into a pharmacy or grocery store without you, would they be able to identify the type of toothpaste that your family uses? Do they know the brand of shampoo or body wash that you are packing in their suitcase for move-in day? Does your son know the difference between laundry detergent and fabric softener? Parents often buy these daily care products for the family without a second thought and to some teenagers, shampoo, soap and toothpaste "just magically appear " on the bathroom sink or in the shower. When your son/daughter is living away from home on their own this fall and they run out of shampoo, will they be able to go to Stop and Shop and find the right brand?

Thames Academy & Mitchell College provide the transportation to local stores. Thames Academy has an evening shuttle which takes students to the grocery store, drugstore, and any other local place that students may need to go (local bank, Dunkin Donuts, etc.) Mitchell College also has a weekly shopping shuttle for Mitchell & Thames students which makes stops at the Crystal Mall (in Waterford, CT), and Walmart. The Mitchell College bookstore and other local convenience stores also carry a small variety of personal care products.

Some Tips For Boys:

- Before he packs his suitcase, have your son purchase his own razor, shaving cream, and deodorant, etc.
-Tell your son how often he should buy a new razor, when a razor gets dull, etc.
-Will your son be expected to get a haircut while living at Thames? Or will he does this over breaks while at home?

Some Tips For Girls:

-Before she packs her suitcase, have your daughter purchase her own razor, shaving cream, and deodorant, etc.
-Tell your daughter how often she should buy a new razor, when a razor gets dull, etc.
-Have your daughter purchase her own feminine hygiene products. Does she know what to buy if she runs out each month?
-Will your daughter be expected to get a haircut while living at Thames? Or will she does this over breaks while at home?

We encourage Thames parents to help your son/daughter become more independent by familiarizing them with the personal care products they use and allowing them to go shopping for these items this summer. Good luck!