Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Summer Skill #7: Medication Management

As part of our Thames Academy Parent Blog segment this summer called "Summer Skill Series!"we will be identifying the Top 10 College Readiness Skills to practice with your son/daughter over the summer. Again, don't worry if your son/daughter hasn't mastered these skills before move-in day...the idea is to become familiar with college expectations and begin practicing these skills at home. Thames Academy will reinforce these skills throughout the year both inside and outside of the classroom.

Medication Management 

IMPORTANT: Thames Academy staff are not allowed to dispense, refill or store any form of student medication.

Medication Tips/Suggestions:

-Give your son/daughter a weekly pill box that they learn how to fill with your supervision this summer

-Take a picture of the filled pill box to serve as a model when your son/daughter is practicing filling it with you this summer

-Have your student write on a calendar or set a reminder in their phone for the day they need to refill their pill box (usually at the beginning or end of the week)

-Explain each type of medication to your son/daughter that he/she takes: what it does, why it is helpful, the possible side effects, consequences of not taking it, what to do if he/she misses a dose

-Write the daily (weekly) medication with amount/dosage on an index card and have your  son/daughter put it into their lockbox (small safe kept in their dorm room) as a reminder.

- Buy a small lock box which can store your son/daughter's medication, wallet, money, small electronics, valuables, etc. 

-Use cell phone alarms to set reminders to take medication (for example: set an alarm for morning, midday, or night)

Medication Resources On (or Nearby) Campus:

-The Health & Wellness Office at Mitchell College not only can see students for medical and sick visits, but they can hold medication refills that are delivered by a nearby pharmacy (see below)

-There are pharmacies nearby and prescription services that will deliver medication refills directly to campus! They will bring the medication to the Health & Wellness Office and your son/daughter only has to walk there to pick it up!

-Some local pharmacies and prescription services will even sort and package medication into sealed, daily packages. 

-There are nearby pharmacies if you would like to call in a refill from home and have your son/daughter pick it up. Thames Academy holds weekly shuttles to local stores and the shuttle can stop at a pharmacy so your child can pick up a prescription that has been called in. 

CLICK EACH PHARMACY BELOW to see their location closest to campus and phone number.

Call the Mitchell College Health & Wellness Office for more information about medication delivery services. (860) 701-7786